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Tea Garden in Portugal

When it comes to tea production, Portugal may not be the first country that comes to mind. However, the country has a long history of tea cultivation and has several popular tea gardens scattered throughout its picturesque landscapes.

One of the most well-known tea gardens in Portugal is the Gorreana Tea Garden, located on the Azores Islands. This family-owned tea garden has been producing high-quality tea since 1883 and is known for its organic and sustainable farming practices. The Gorreana Tea Garden offers a variety of teas, including black, green, and Oolong, all of which are grown and harvested on the island.

Another popular tea garden in Portugal is the Porto Formoso Tea Factory, located on the island of Sao Miguel. This tea garden has been operating since 1920 and is known for its traditional methods of tea production. The Porto Formoso Tea Factory offers a range of teas, including black, green, and white, all of which are hand-picked and processed on-site.

In addition to these popular tea gardens, Portugal also has several other cities known for their tea production. Chá Gorreana, located on the island of Sao Miguel, is famous for its green and black teas, while Porto Formoso is known for its white tea. Other cities, such as Mirandela and Porto, also have a long history of tea cultivation and offer a variety of tea blends to choose from.

Overall, Portugal may not be the first country that comes to mind when it comes to tea production, but its tea gardens and cities are certainly worth exploring. Whether you're a tea enthusiast or simply looking to try something new, Portugal's tea gardens offer a unique and flavorful experience that shouldn't be missed.…

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